Wogan, Dorothy Lena of Clarinda |
marr |
1986 |
license |
#9191 |
Wohlford, Eldon Sr |
died |
1995 |
H |
Oak Hill/Mvle |
sb4361 |
Wohlford, Mary Schneider |
died |
1998 |
M |
sb2656 |
Wohlford, Raymond E. of Mvle |
marr |
1984 |
B |
license |
#8662 |
Wohlford, Samuel A. |
died |
1930 |
Wohlleher, William Lyle of Anita, Ia |
marr |
1985 |
M |
license |
#9041 |
Sister Mary James Josephine |
Wolbert, Elli |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb997 |
Wolbert, Michael Anthony of Richmond. Va |
marr |
1997 |
M |
license |
sb4056 |
Wolbert, Sandra Helene of Mvle |
marr |
1984 |
M |
license |
#8746 |
Wolbert, Sonja Anna |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1235 |
Wolcott, Chester Clark |
died |
1937 |
sb5554 |
Wolcott, Lula Alice "Lulie" Dowis |
died |
1893 |
Wolcott, Maude |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1278 |
Thelma Darleen |
Woldruff, Adam |
died |
1988 |
sb255 |
Woldruff, Alec Ryan |
born |
1986 |
#9202,#9203 |
Woldruff, Arleen |
died |
1985 |
#8977 |
Woldruff, Cecil |
died |
1972 |
sb182 |
Woldruff, Cecil |
died |
1972 |
sb180 |
Woldruff, Clarence Glen "Skinny" |
died |
1985 |
#8885 |
Woldruff, Danielle Michelle |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9437 |
Woldruff, Edna May
Morehouse |
died |
1999 |
Woldruff, Ethan James |
born |
1990 |
Clarinda, Ia hosp |
sb446 |
Woldruff, George A. |
died |
1994 |
Clarinda Cem |
sb6365 |
Woldruff, George A. |
died |
1994 |
B |
Clarinda |
sb3985 |
Woldruff, George A. |
died |
1994 |
V |
Clarinda Cem |
sb5372 |
Woldruff, George A. |
died |
1994 |
H |
Clarinda Cem |
sb4311 |
Woldruff, George Aaron |
marr |
1987 |
license |
#9358 |
Woldruff, Gerald E. |
died |
1996 |
Clarinda Cem |
sb5139 |
Woldruff, Kenneth Wayne |
died |
1989 |
sb384 |
Woldruff, Mark Alvin of Bloomington, Ill |
marr |
1991 |
license |
sb3814 |
Woldruff, Mark Alvin of Bloomington, Ill |
marr |
1991 |
ES |
license |
sb1884 |
Woldruff, Mary Stewart |
died |
1999 |
B |
Shearer Cem |
sb5113 |
Woldruff, Maye Parsons |
died |
B |
2002 |
Memory Cem |
sb5815 |
Woldruff, Thelma Darleen |
died |
B |
2005 |
Shearer cem |
sb6036 |
Woldruff, Wendell Eugene of Clarinda |
marr |
1983 |
license |
#8574 |
Wolf, Amanda's SON |
born |
1991 |
T |
sb3724 |
Wolf, Amos Melvin Jr |
died |
M |
1995 |
Barnard Cem |
sb6412 |
Wolf, Becky Marie |
born |
1986 |
M |
#9054 |
Wolf, Cynthia Ellen Miers of Mvle |
div |
1987 |
B |
sb0634 |
Wolf, Dale Edwin of Barnard |
marr |
1983 |
M |
license |
#8543 |
Wolf, Donald Eugene Jr of Central City, Ne |
div |
1987 |
B |
sb0634 |
Wolf, Edward E. |
died |
M |
1986 |
Barnard |
#9131, 9133 |
Wolf, Edwin Ralph |
died |
1918 |
Oct 28, 1918 |
Wolf, Goldie Chapman |
died |
1996 |
M |
Weathermon Cem |
sb5459,-60 |
Wolf, Harold Dean |
died |
1998 |
sb6610 |
Wolf, Helen Carpenter |
died |
1988 |
M |
Barnard |
#9499, #9503 |
Wolf, Joe D. |
died |
sb5582 |
Wolf, Joseph Hunter |
born |
1991 |
Omaha, Ne hosp |
sb502 |
Wolf, Joshua Montgomery |
born |
1991 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb830 |
Wolf, Justin Thomas |
born |
1990 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb1289 |
Wolf, Kevin Eugene of Barnard |
marr |
1987 |
M |
license |
#9401 |
Wolf, Nancy Magdalene Beery |
died |
1963 |
Shambaugh, Ia |
sb1476 |
Wolf, Nicholas Lee |
born |
1992 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb887 |
Wolf, Randall John |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1204 |
Wolf, Ronald Leon of Barnard |
marr |
1986 |
M |
license |
#9171 |
Wolf, Shirley Irene Lymer |
died |
2017 |
Wolf, Steven Tylor |
born |
1989 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb1103 |
Wolf, Warren Samuel |
born |
1989 |
Omaha, Ne hosp |
sb355 |
Wolfard, Merritt |
died |
1996 |
M |
Ohio/BJct |
sb5500 |
Wolfard, Merritt |
died |
1996 |
M |
sb5526 |
Wolfe, Bailey Ann |
born |
1990 |
M |
Columbia, Mo hosp |
sb1230 |
Wolfe, Bradley Albert |
died |
1990 |
sb448 |
Wolfe, Bryan Tyler |
born |
1991 |
P |
sb2054 |
Wolfe, Colleen |
marr |
1989 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1162 |
Wolfe, Doris M. Littles |
died |
M |
1995 |
Hillcrest/Skidmore |
sb6358,59 |
Wolfe, Esther Marian Davis |
died |
TA |
1995 |
sb5901 |
Wolfe, Ethan Daniel |
born |
1991 |
CC |
sb3770 |
Wolfe, Evelyn |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb885 |
Wolfe, Evelyn |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2222 |
Wolfe, Francis LaVerne |
died |
1989 |
M |
Mound City |
#9694, #9695 |
Wolfe, George A. |
died |
2020 |
Wolfe, J. George |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1300 |
Wolfe, J. George |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1302, 1304 |
Wolfe, James Michael of Council Bluffs |
marr |
1995 |
Fx |
-- |
sb3294 |
Wolfe, Margaret Elizabeth Penry |
died |
1995 |
Evergreen/Red Oak |
sb5243 |
Wolfe, Norma Lee |
died |
2007 |
Wolfe, Ressie F. May |
died |
1988 |
sb254 |
Wolfe, Rhonda Jean |
marr |
1991 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1330 |
Wolfe, Rick Lee of Skidmore |
marr |
1989 |
M |
license |
#9647 |
Wolfe, Robbin Delynn of Tarkio |
marr |
1993 |
Fx |
-- |
sb2972 |
Wolfe, Robbin Delynn of Tarkio |
marr |
1993 |
TA |
-- |
sb3203 |
Wolfe, Stan's DAU |
born |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2556 |
Wolfe, Waive Crawford |
died |
1992 |
sb3844 |
Wolfe, Whitney Mae |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9422 |
Wolfenbarger, Robert's DAU |
born |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2210 |
Wolfer, Anna E. Kemper |
died |
1987 |
M |
StMarys/Mvle |
#9425 |
Wolfer, Blase J. |
died |
1983 |
M |
#8599 |
Wolfer, Brian Joseph |
born |
1983 |
M |
#8618 |
Wolfer, Charles Edward |
died |
2010 |
St Columba Cem |
Wolfer, Daniel H. |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb965, 974 |
Wolfer, Daniel H. |
died |
1992 |
sb3015 |
Wolfer, Irma Jean Moffat |
died |
2019 |
Wolfer, Katherine Rita |
died |
1989 |
M |
sb1140 |
Wolfer, Kimberly Ann |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9409 |
Wolfer, Leo William |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb878 |
Wolfer, Leo William |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb876 |
Wolfer, Louis F. |
died |
1998 |
M |
sb2665 |
Wolfer, Mary Eugina |
died |
1986 |
M |
#9130 |
Wolfer, Vincent "Vinc" |
died |
M |
1995 |
Hillcrest/Skidmore |
sb6316 |
Wolfers, Ann Hewes |
died |
1886 |
Wolfers, Charles Augustus |
died |
1921 |
Wolfers, Edward Cecil |
died |
1947 |
Wolfers, Edward Clarence |
died |
1909 |
Wolfers, Gertrude Alice |
died |
1950 |
Wolfers, Grace Hawkins |
died |
1898 |
Wolfers, Lynn |
died |
1905 |
Wolfers, Mabelle |
died |
1994 |
M |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4628 |
Wolfers, Mabelle Marie |
died |
1994 |
H |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4298 |
Wolfers, Mabelle Marie Burch |
died |
1994 |
M |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4631 |
Wolfers, Mary Elizabeth |
died |
1958 |
Hopkins |
Wolfers, Sarah Elizabeth Peck |
died |
1948 |
Wolfers, Theodocia Mae "Docia" Jackson |
died |
1918 |
Wolfinger, Irene |
died |
1988 |
M |
Hopkins |
#9508 |
Wolfinger, Irene Ulmer |
died |
1988 |
M |
Hopkins |
#9503 |
Wolfram, Ellen |
died |
M |
1993 |
Mt Olivet/St Joseph |
sb6272,80 |
Wolhoy, Gary L. |
died |
1983 |
#8554 |
Wolhoy, Thelma |
died |
1991 |
ES |
sb1848 |
Wolkansdorfer, Brian Daniel of McLean, Va |
marr |
1986 |
license |
#9208 |
Wolken, Christa Lynn of Bethany |
marr |
1993 |
license |
sb3051 |
Wolkins, Mildred Lou Westlake |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb3685 |
Wollard, Bill Gene |
died |
1988 |
M |
Hadin |
#9631 |
Wollard, Hayden Lynn |
born |
1998 |
M |
sb2712 |
Wollenhaupt, Edith |
died |
1984 |
#8650 |
Wollenhaupt, Henry F. |
died |
2002 |
sb2906 |
Wolph, Maurine |
died |
1990 |
sb422 |
Wolverton, Andrew Jackson |
died |
1898 |
Wolverton, Andrew Paul |
died |
2001 |
B |
sb2164 |
Wolverton, Anna "Mabel" Spencer |
died |
1972 |
B |
Fairview/Bedford |
sb5744 |
Wolverton, Bruce |
died |
1964 |
B |
Arcadia, Ca |
sb1478 |
Wolverton, Dora Mary Sailor |
died |
1972 |
sb154 |
Wolverton, Doris Wentworth Tracy |
died |
2002 |
B |
Fairview/Bedford |
sb5761 |
Wolverton, Felicia Nicole |
born |
1986 |
#9202,#9203 |
Wolverton, Gladys Ruth Thomas |
died |
1996 |
M |
High Ridge/Stanberry |
sb5432,-32 |
Wolverton, Howard L. |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1224 (2) |
Wolverton, Juanita Vella Warner |
died |
2017 |
Wolverton, Onie Lee |
died |
1989 |
M |
sb1174, -178 |
Wolverton, Richard Louis |
born |
1988 |
Shenandoah, Ia hosp |
sb274, 277 |
Wolverton, Rolland Lee "Rollie" |
died |
1980 |
Hopkins |
Wolverton, Ronald W. |
div |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1228 |
Wolverton, Ronald Warner |
died |
1998 |
B |
Hopkins Cem |
sb5070 |
Wolverton, Ted |
died |
1985 |
B |
#8837 |
Wolverton, Ted Thomas |
died |
1985 |
#8785 |
Wolverton,Caren R. |
div |
1990 |
M |
sb1228 |
Wolverton,Caren R. |
div |
1990 |
M |
sb1228 |
Womack, Lora |
died |
1985 |
M |
#9040, 9041 |
Womeldorff, Pantera Marie |
born |
1997 |
M |
sb2825 |
Wonderly, Eileen Heflin |
died |
1991 |
M |
sb1323, 1324, 1325 |
Wonderly, Joseph |
died |
1885 |
Wonderly, Lawrence Gerald of Mvle |
marr |
1995 |
H |
license |
sb4381 |
Wonderly, Margaret Eileen |
died |
1987 |
M |
StColumba |
#9482, #9484 |
Wonderly, Marsha Ann |
marr |
1994 |
H |
license |
sb4306 |
Wonderly, Marsha Ann of Mvle |
marr |
1994 |
M |
license |
sb4704 |
Wonderly, Sean Patrick |
born |
1983 |
M |
#8490 |
Wonderly, Shannon Nicole |
born |
1988 |
M |
#9575 |